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[SQLITE] INSERT 형식) INSERT INTO table (column_list) VALUES (value_list); 예) INSERT INTO foods (name, type_id) VALUES ('Cinnamon Bobka', 1);foods 테이블에 name은 'Cinnamon Bobka', type_id는 1인 행을 insert한다. 만약에 value_list에 모든 컬럼의 값들을 제공하면, column_list는 생략가능 하다. 2009. 11. 18.
(The user apache requires read _and_ write permission to the database file /temp/trac/mythSTB/db/trac.db and the directory it is located in.) (The user apache requires read _and_ write permission to the database file /temp/trac/mythSTB/db/trac.db and the directory it is located in.) trac에 Project를 하나 추가한뒤 접속했더니 위와 같은 오류가 발생아래 명령으로 소유자를 수정한뒤 다시 접속했더니 정상적으로 접속. chown -R apache.apache /home/Trac/Sample 2009. 11. 12.
[Autohotkey] Is there a way to REALLY KNOW when a web page is loaded? URL := "http://www.msdn.microsoft.com" Run, %URL%, MAX Winwait, %URL% AHKID := WinExist("A") ; Make sure you have the Window ID of the browser instance Ctr=0 Loop { Sleep, 100 Ctr+=1 ControlGet, Progress, Visible,, msctls_progress321, ahk_id %AHKID% If (Progress=1) { Ctr=0 Continue } If (Progress=0 AND Ctr>10) Break } MsgBox, Page Loaded Completely! http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic13569.htm.. 2009. 11. 10.
TWIN-LNB & Dual LNB TWIN-LNB An LNB with dual outputs to connect a satellite receiver to a television set and a satellite modem to a computer. This makes it possible to watch television and access the internet at the same time, provided internet access is available. http://www.satellite.se/ordlistaen.html "Dual LNB" or "Monobloc LNB" Comprises two universal LNBs fixed together at a small angle in a single housing. .. 2009. 10. 27.