728x90 Research/Tools18 eclipse logcat에서 dalvikvm 메시지 보고 싶지 않을때 One short and useful filter is tag:^(?!dalvikvm) which removes all those noisy Dalvik logs. 2013. 9. 25. 아웃룩 메일 발송시 자동으로 숨은참조 추가되게 하기 아웃룩으로 메일 발송할 때 특정 메일주소가 숨은 참조로 포함되게 하는 방법 아웃룩을 실행 한 후에, ALT+F11 키를 누르거나 도구 - 매크로 - Visual Basic Editor 로 들어가서 아래 코드를 붙여 넣는다. Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean) Dim objMe As Recipient Set objMe = Item.Recipients.Add("user@where.com") objMe.Type = olBCC objMe.Resolve Set objMe = Nothing End Sub 위에서 user@where.com 주소는 숨은 참조로 보내고 싶은 주소로 수정한다. 그런 후에 저장하고 아웃룩 종료 .. 2012. 6. 28. How to tweak VMware Workstation in linux host How to tweak VMware Workstation in linux host Posted by: nirjhar in VMware Add Comment I use Debian as my primary OS. I have Windows XP installed in one of my partition but that is for only to satisfy my gaming need. My study needs certain things that require Windows. So, I am using VMware Workstation inside my Debian box to host Windows. Currently I have four virtual machines running through VM.. 2010. 6. 17. I need more performance out of my VMware environment I need more performance out of my VMware environment Print Add comment Rate it Useful Useless Views: 33080 Votes: 13 Comments: 0 Posted: 27 Jan, 2008 by: Troen L. Updated: 24 Nov, 2009 by: Troen L. 출처: http://vmfaq.com/entry/25/ Step 1, 2 & 6 only applies to hosted products (Workstation, Server, Player, Fusion), but not ESX Server. The other steps are regarding hw or guest environment and will a.. 2010. 6. 15. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음 728x90